As the date of departure for this extraordinary journey draws near, I find myself filled with anticipation; eager to share with you a chapter of not just Australian history, but the tale of some accidental Australians. The upcoming 16-day tour to the heart of Outback Queensland is more than a mere exploration; it’s a pilgrimage to the very places that shaped the narratives of pioneers, dreamers, and my family.

Stand within the walls of Hotel Corones, a vision brought to life by my great-grandfather. This iconic establishment, nestled in the vast expanses of the Queensland outback, once played host to celebrities like Amy Johnson and Gracie Fields, standing as a testament to a bygone era of elegance and adventure. Our visit here is not just a tour; it’s a step back in time to relive the stories that are woven into the fabric of this historic landmark.

Our journey will also take us to the birthplace of Qantas, where the ambitious dreams of early aviation trailblazers took flight. My great-grandfather’s involvement in the foundation of Qantas established our family’s enduring connection to this iconic Australian airline.

As we traverse the stunning landscapes of Outback Queensland, I invite you to share in the rich tapestry of history, culture, and personal memories that this region holds for me and many Australians. From the visionary efforts of two Greek hoteliers who redefined hospitality in the outback, to the pioneering spirit that launched Qantas from a dusty hangar, these stories are a bridge to understanding the resilience, ambition, and warmth that characterise Outback Queensland. I am excited to discover the soul of Outback Queensland with you, where every landmark tells a story, and every sunset brings us closer to the heart of Australia’s early settlers. I look forward to travelling with you from day 6-12 of this tour, getting to know you personally and embarking on this unforgettable journey together.

Warmest regards,

Alex Corones